Absolute Randomness

There’s a rock stuck in my ass, maybe I should walk the path instead. Am I disheveled? Maybe a bit eccentric, though the taste of silver is often copper so one can never tell with those measurements. I look to the sky and for a brief moment I feel peace. It was a strange kind of peace, the kind your body never wants to share with your mind; what a selfish bastard it is. Mushrooms feel this peace, but they smell funny and are infinitely unaware of how bad their jokes are so you cant trust those little fuckers, you know? Christ, what the hell is that? A swarm of jellyfish perhaps, or maybe those are clouds. Either way they’re shaped like a giant pair of tits, well I guess i’m going with clouds then. I’m not sure where I’m headed, maybe I’ll just put this rock back in my ass and sit down for a little while, then again I don’t really like things up my ass so I believe I’ll go for a walk. Yes, I’m definitely convinced those are clouds now. -FIN-

Watched Blade Runner again today. Not like I’ve seen it a bunch of times…but anyway…

Does anyone else think that Harrison Ford’s voice is just stupid as fuck in this movie? Like just annoying as shit. I’m getting into the movie and then all of a sudden this nasally, weird-ass voice start spouting off some retarded inner monologue. I thought I was watching Dexter.

Christ, the whole movie should have just been from the perspective of the real protagonist. Different movie, way cooler. Hahaha…I appreciate Blade Runner for what it is don’t get me wrong. Just…Harrison Ford…god dammit.

If your urine is red, don’t panic. Maybe you ate lots of beets for dinner last night.

The after-math of the chimpanzee attack on the owner’s friend… a good reason why undomesticated animals do not make for good pets - watching the documentary is horrific, let alone how she must have felt :confused:

Skyrim tomorrow.
Cya guys in about a month. :smiley:

I like starlings, they seem like happy and soical birds.
(Even if they are classified as invasive species and considered great pests in my neighborhood).


Would anyone be willing to talk about Kant’s ethics?

If it’s all luck, then what is there to discuss?

re: 102hrs and I’m done with Shyrim. :smiley:

I’d be more interested to talk about yours.

I don’t have personal rules I hold others to. I don’t even have personal rules I hold myself to. I am a plaything of my caprice. My soul is too aesthetic to mummify the instant and tyrannize itself or others.

12hrs, level 8, Imperial, Expert (Hard)

I misspelled Skyrim …I’m such a dork!! :character-koolaid:

Too cool, fuse.

Not only is the story compelling, but the game is beautiful, too. I named my character Zarathustra :smiley:

banned from another site today…humm, could it possibly have me this whole time? no, it’s wasn’t.

why did this thread die down…
i’m a bit burnt out on video games, i think i’m going to draw for a while.

I am bored, so perhaps working from home as a remote global PA will be a good thing …and that way the boss won’t be able to stare at my ass neither :laughing:

Do women really just walk down the street with their friends randomly talking about blowjobs or is it only if they see a guy not paying attention to them and walking their way?

It means that they are trying to get somebody’s attention I think.

Honestly if that’s the vase why not try other avenues?

Women are complicated beyond understanding.