A point of constitutional philosophy: implicit protections.

Us Americans, huh?

Also, gentle foreigner of some undisclosed land, thank you for so neatly illustrating my excellent points.


Ever heard of Jair Bolsonaro?

I’m curious, what do you think of him?

I’m not dodging the question, I’ll explain why it doesn’t apply. But I’d like to hear from you first

He’s the angry dad the country needed.

Bahahahahahaha awesome.

I think our subcontinent is slowly curing itself of commienism. Fucking Macri didn’t help.

Anyway, the difference is that Bolsonaro is still and all an old dog, a politician.

Trump is what all Masons originally copied the idea from the Greeks that an elected gvt person should be: a regular ass citizen.

Not possible anywhere else.

Prove me wrong.

Regular ass citizen?
He was born a millionaire.

During his campaign, bolsonaro did live videos from his kitchen, where he could be seeing eating a mayonnaise sandwich, just bread with mayo, directly off his table, not a towel or an little plate or a napkin or anything. That cracked me up because he is so literally just an angry old dad.
If that was fabricated by PF staff, fucking give that man a raise, for real.

Yeah, Bolsonaro is a real dude and you can tell. Also to my point, they did actually almost take him out.

Can a millionaire not be a citizen?

I just mean not of the political class, not part of the game.

Millions and all, millions of poor ass people relate directly to him in a very real way, while all the actual well off people fucking hate him to death.

A millionaire can be twice a citizen. Once for himself and once for his business.

That’s true for everybody.

What we like about Trump is that you can trace it down. There are no shady interests with their hands in his pockets. And it is pretty clear to any honest person that this venture has cost him money, not made him money.

Obama, on thenother hand, and the rest of the politicians…

Trump kind of is the shady interest, what with not severing himself entirely from his businesses, taking international summits to his private properties, etc.
But please let’s not go there.
I’m not going to get in a debate with a die hard trumper, just as I don’t discuss religion with a christian, or existentialism with biggie.

I take some offence at that madame.

Ok, I apologize for that.
You get the benefit of the doubt.

Trump is a business man, first, a clever one at that.
As such, he will take an opportunity for profit if he sees one, by means of loopholes if necessary.
He’ll not pass on profit out of principle or ideology. Only if he’s sure he’ll be caught.

He is the personification of Corporation.

I can’t answer that from a smartphone at work. I’ll get you back later today.

Let alone discuss with me what a particular moral nihilist might have to opine regarding the existential relationship between any particular implicit protections and any particular constitutional philosophy.

She chooses instead to avoid me altogether. To ban me from her mind. To throw me in the dungeon.

Why? Well, that way she isn’t reduced over and over and over again to telling me to go fuck myself. :banana-linedance:


I’ll assume by that you mean this:

blegh: An expression of discontent or frustration.

As opposed to this:

Blegh: A sound frequently made by metal and hardcore vocalists between lines of songs. Nobody knows why. Also a frequently used word in usernames for fans of this music.

Or, sure, maybe it’s a Kid thing.

Anyway, as though, in using it, that makes my actual point go away.

:banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance: :banana-linedance:

See, I can be a Kid too!