A Few Thank-Yous are in Order.

I care less about the GOP as a independent than I do about getting industry up and running again, reducing mass homelessness and poverty, and smashing the proliferation of abstract privledge groups having unimpeachable rights over everyone else.

Early on, the Bill of Rights made sense, it is similar to what Henry I or later the Magna Carta did, in recognizing actual needs of the population at that time (a feudal society), then adopting it to check the tyranny of the English Kings.

Saying “freedom of religion” makes a lot of sense, we all have it lack it in degrees. Saying not to discriminate on race makes sense, as we all are a race. Gender, as we all are a gender.

Then it started getting bizarre, when having a fucking healthy economy and productive, educated workforce took second fiddle to bouquette priorities that only mattered to extreme minority groups- like the absolute priority we had to overthrow our constitutional amendment process, or the legislative process, by insisting gay marriage is a constitutional right (sure the fuck wasn’t, it would be in the constitution if it was) when mass unemployment and wars in the middle east was raging… All we got in exchange was PC Police patrols, yelling and screaming from bully pulpits. I don’t care if someone is taking it up the ass or not, but I got greater concerns than existentialist desires for self recognition of sexual fetishes as equal to mainstream ideology when I see people around me chronically unemployed, sent to jail for stealing in a effort to survive, or dying from drug use.

Democrats had their priorities absolutely backwards. Build up families first, jobs, prosperity- a very wealthy and productive society can afford to have economic productive excesses (luxuries) and tolerances for reproductive excesses (homosexuality). In times of plenty, both are tolerated. In times of stagnation, struggle, life and death brutality- neither are openly flaunted. Left lead us to this latter point.

I saw a news reaction (think MSNBC) on election night, blaming these “white, racist” Midwestern nationalist etc voters for causing homosexuals so much grief, because many cats grew up in those communities and left.

Reason it was painful wasn’t because they were closed minded, but were struggling, pinning all their hopes on one or two kids to carry the family line on in increasingly rough times, when the family could be undercut into employment. During prosperity, it is easier to have 3-4 kids, have one gay, shrug it off, knowing you’ll still have 6-12 grandkids, and some grandkids.

Instead, alit of families have gravestones of kids lost to drugs. Kids who grew up in destroyed communities.

You can’t be truly liberal without wealth, you lack it, it is all bullshit. People need to take care of survival first. You satiate that, we can take more risks, go have non-reproductive fun. As humans, communing together as a community, during hard times, it is all about survival. We turn to luxury and lax concern for survival only once we aren’t concerned about winking out. There is a solid Poverty to Liberal Ratio we have to consider on a sociological level before we start classifying new uninalienable rights to made up social groups in the future that don’t even exist yet.

In times of plenty, less fighting, more frirndship. When everuobe is beaten doen, as the Democrats have veaten the nation down, it is struggle. Don’t be surprised if everyone resents your luxuries or ill affordable lifestyles. We exist in hard times to do but one thing, to survive till it gets good.

It hasnt gotten better, just worst and worst. Look at how bad Hillary scared West Virginia,sge was literalky threatening the extinction of a state. What is the first impulse of a liberal? “They are red neck hicks eho dont respect gay rights or minorities”.

We have bith gays and minorities all over, but we are also struggling to survive. Liberalism was a unrelenting sledge hammer serking to destroy us, year after year. Everyone fed on racist stereotypes about us, no hrlp was ever comming. We fucking struck back, embraced anyone who would get us out.

I promise you, you get tge economy running, liberal freedoms pop up in conjunction. Doesnt require pritest marches or long tractates about human nature, we jyst collectiveky let loose and vecome permissive. You create the conditions for harshness, nothing can save liberalism. It goes away, no matter the laws you pass or rights you claim. People fight only to survive, and they snap on those not pulling their weight.

The logic really is that simple. Not more unions, but more JOBS, and this requires governments and policies goid for business. Businesses won’t come if you threaten them with high taxes and burdensome regulations.

It has rely gotten absurd in regards to how the left approaches things. We also face the prospect of white people attacking us in yhe name of black rights… Fuck dude, the blacks are everybit as unemployed as we are, staring at the same factories we are. My neighborhood is half black. We dont have much of a race problrm, bryond democratic party indoctrination saying we do. Our real issues are identical, how to get jobs, when the government under Bill Clinton made the economy illegal? No fucking work… Yet one light skinned group of unemployed workers inthe rust belt is evil,ehile a darker skinned yet otherwise identical group is oppressed? We are both fucked, we both hsve the same problems.

Just the whites inherited less of a cultural attachment/entrapment to the Democratic Party. We always could switch, if things got tough.

Well dammit, it got tough. Blacks arebt stuoid, if they see the whites bailed on the liberaks abd are advancing, they will too in the next election or two. They aren’t stupid, they will get that they’ve bern co stantky conned by the parties.
My best recommendation is not to merely switch to republicans (Im pro Trump, not pro Republican), but start yiu own local parties, and offer your votes in a coalition on a munincipal, state, and national level to the party that courts you the best, offering you more sttention, more goids, more representation. Don’t let either party grow complacent and taje your vote for granted. Democrats took our votes fir granted, as a deep blye, labor union state for granted, tried to kill us off. We fought back, took two decades, look at us now- we defeated Hillary. We rammed that election down her throat. Nobody is taking advantage of us like that again.

I strongly recommend all the blacks to join us, follow suit. Only vote for those willing to really risk it for you. You gotta show your willingness to be taken serious, that your organized, can suppirt larger coalitions as long as they can suppirt you. You will find alot of those evil, racist rust belt ehite nationalists are more or less just like you, with similar desires and needs. No need for the liberals to keep us apart. They only have piwer if they divide us, keep us in fear. Break free of the Democrats, join us in the revolt. Doesn’t mean become Republican, but it dies mean be prepared to bargain with others in a larger coalition.

Humans are not a collection of liberal rights and soecial interedt groups, we are individuals. We all seek to survive and maje a better life. This promise was snatched away by the very people who promised us the easiest lies. It was a congame plated in San Francisco, in Chicago, in New York. It was pkayed in the Ohio Valley till we snapped, seeing the lies. Rest of the Rust Belt soon followed. Never again belueve them, if the economy isn’t working, the other more liberal bonus stuff won’t be much of a compromise either, it will be rejected in time. It is better to address the needs of man first. Highest prioriry is jobs in our society, real sustainable work. You gain that onky through solud economics, such as encoyraging businesses to grow. It is getting bad out there, they way it has been going. Very, very bad. We can’t do it that way anymore. Too dangerous, too msny have died from escaping into drugs from it, too msny families broken and destroyed. Too many businesses and estates left in ruin.

Actually the point that you made above – “Trump was selected, not elected” – is one I can certainly agree with.

But it is almost certainly a point of view that objectivists of Uccisore’s ilk will never come around to. Why? Because the reality of political economy is something that he is almost certainly oblivious to. Instead, his own political narrative is derived [I suspect] from an actual political philosophy.

And you either think about the world around us – socially, politically and economically – as he does or you are WRONG!!!

For example, necessarily.

You could have posted to refute something I said, but instead you just gifted me with your bitter, bitter tears. So here’s a thank-you to you, as well!

It’s absurd iamb…

Guests. “Specialists” on Fox News read teleprompters…

It’s like, REALLY!?!?!? Even your guests read teleprompters?!?!?


It’s lies like that that cost you the election. Haven’t you YET learned to actually read directly from the source and get information about Republicans from people that don’t hate their guts and twist everything out of context? Damn, you’re pathetic. Time was when I would be mad about such a thing, but now we know that your astounding levels of self-delusion are actually hurting you at the polls, so I love it. I can think of no better scenario than for everything Democrats know about politics to come from Mother Jones and New York Magazine.

It’s like you can’t help yourself. You have the utmost proof that the liberal media echochamber you hide yourself in cost you big league, and you still cling to them. Stockholm Syndrome, maybe?

Yes, the great Donald…

Wasn’t it Donald who said years ago

“If I ever run for president, I’ll run as a republican because they are morons”

I think we have to admit that Donald running as a republican is like taking candy from a baby…

Republicans have zero integrity

They used to - Abe Lincoln - but not anymore

Personally, I’d run as an independent

We already know from brainscans that all republicans process information from the fear centers of their brains

Yah so anyway. I took a quiz revealing that I’m in line with just about all of clinton’s stated policies. But in many cases I’m unconfident that my answers were informed enough to be worth defending with a sword or a sign or lost sleep.

We live in a tyranny of the plurality, and as Americans we wouldn’t have it any other way. The only hope is that after each 4-8 year experiment we pick up some data we can use to edge ever closer to a world that we can all agree on is better.

The Trump experiment. Well, wow. Bring it on. Who knows, maybe we’ll learn something. Apple Computers & The Beatles in their full form could not have existed without LSD, without a radical shift in the way reality is perceived.

Hello Uccisore

It was not only progressives calling him that (see Ryan). That racist supported Donald Trump is a fact. He may not have wanted their support but they wanted him as President because of his agenda and his message. Donald Trump has only himself to blame, if that was not in fact a strategy, a dog-whistle. The media never put words in Donald’s mouth. He went out of his way to make racist accusations against a judge, a claimed (as if anyone could believe that) that he did not know who David Duke was. But fuck it- the media was kind enough, during the interview, to explain to Trumpy who the fuck Duke was. On hearing that description, any person with a moral coil would have taken the opportunity to unequivocally distance himself from such deplorable. What did Trump do? You know, so don’t blame the accusations of racism on “progressives”.
I am not saying that every supporter of Trump was a racist, sexist, homophobic deplorable person, but such fuckers showed up at Trump rallies and did support Trump. Going forward his actions will tell the tale for history to judge.

Again: What lies? The man is on tape describing how he could get away with grabbing women by the pussy. And that is one of the more tame things that he ever said. On Stern’s shows he sounded even more like a predator. His image of a closet racist is backed by his late disavowal of Duke. His campaign promises of deportation, wall, discrimination based on religion aligned with the interest of white nationalist according to white nationalist. These are not lies against Trump, but Trump’s claim to fame, what got him the WH. Did Hillary underestimate Trump? No. He is a…But Hillary was running a race uphill against the FBI and Putin. She was defeated by herself. Donald never really offered a concise agenda, a better vision for our future, only promises and hard to believe promises at that. Every campaign has a bit of that, including Hillary, but she did not have a plan to win the Bernie voters, hurt by eight years of Leftist’ green earth agenda. It didn’t help either that they could not be helped by the past administration which was being cock-blocked in any effort to help those that would become Bernie/Trump supporters precisely in order to create the situation that the GOP would regain the WH.
Trump never held elected office. He was rather part of the Swamp he now ironically wants to drain. He was dinning with the Clintons before attacking them for inviting those like him willing to pay for play. I believe that Clinton lost more votes due to her scandals than due to the greater fitness for office that Trump possesses.

Him who? I was clearly talking about SJW scum calling everyday people racist and sexist over every little thing for the past several years. They made the word meaningless, so when it came time to apply the usual criticisms to Trump, they didn’t stick.

So thank you.

Blame for what? Winning the presidency? Getting called names by people with no ideas and no political clout? Yeah, I’m sure he’s crying himself to sleep at night, I know I am.

They were obviously not racist accusations, you just interpret them that way because you have a political end in doing so. If you applied even a modicum of common sense to the situation, you would see that. Jesus Fucking Christ, every time a black person is arrested for goddamned anything and it gets in the news, the first thing you lefties talk about is the race of the cops, the judge and jury. White people just ain’t good enough to pass judgment on a black man, if you want to know a liberal’s God-honest opinion, so I don’t see why I need to sit here and play pretend with you as if you don’t know where Trump’s coming from. Is every liberal who looks askance at a white judge evaluating a black crime a racist? Is every liberal who whines that men can’t have opinions about abortion a sexist?

And you wanna know something else? Every time Trump said something about immigration that you didn’t like, the first fucking thing you lefties did is say “Well, now we know he’s never gonna get the hispanic vote.” How the hell did you know hispanics are never going to vote for somebody with an anti-illegal immigration stance? Are YOU all a bunch of racists? For two fucking months before the ‘mexican judge’ scandal hit, all we heard from folks like you is how the hispanics all hate Trump’s guts. How dare you fucking generalize! And yet, if YOU can make predictions about how hispanics will treat Trump based on his positions, why can’t he?

Like I said, because you got a political motivation to pretend to be retarded every once in a while when it comes to stuff like this.

I wasn’t blaming people, I was thanking them. THANK YOU for calling everybody who disagrees with you about anything racist. Please continue. Please continue making it this easy to win elections. Apparently the GOP can run a cartoon character and still win at this point, because the people are just that tired of your bullshit.

Why of course you aren’t. Just everybody who holds the positions he holds or says the things that he says.

CNN said it was illegal for people to read wikileaks, that they had to let CNN do it for them. CNN leaked Hillary debate questions. Trump’s chances of winning the election were continually fabricated and based on wishful thinking. Politico, CNN, The New York Times all ran stories by the DNC first before deciding to print them or not. The list goes on and on. And that’s not even getting into matters of willful misinterpretation, such as what you just tried to pull with me above, and the “They’re rapists” incident from back at the beginning of the race. The New York Times just wrote a letter to their readers apologizing for their slanted coverage.

I’m sure he could, that’s what groupies are like. Do you even doubt it for a second? And you’re gonna tell me what a fucking horrible thing that is while you pull a lever to put Bill-fucking-Clinton back in the White House. It’s like you don’t even care about appearing consistent, you’re so used to getting your way by branding everything bigotry. But that’s all over.

Let me put it on the line for you. Let’s say you’re right and there’s 60 million racists/sexists or racist sexist sympathizers in this country, and you hate that segmet of the electorate just that much. You know what? Your shitty, corrupt, vile little party still has to find a way to appease them if you want to have any say over this country. At all. GOP has the White House. The Senate. The House of Representatives. We’re stacking the Supreme Court. We’re stacking district courts. We have 33 Governors. We have the vast majority of state legislatures. You know what that means? It means we can pass any Amendments to the Constution we want, and all you can do is fucking cry about it.

But it’s more than that. We beat down Labor in Britain. Then we got Brexit. Now we got Trump. The National Front is gaining steam in France, similar things are happening in Germany, Belgium. You better have something up your sleeve more sophisticated than name calling, because guess what? The wind is blowing against those sails now.

There's absolutely no reason why we have to respond to your petty name-calling and moral signalling.  "Racist" and "Sexist" hasn't meant a damn thing beyond "You had the temerity to argue with a liberal" for a decade now, and this week we found out that don't mean fuck all.  If you wanted people to take 'racist!!" accusations seriously, maybe you shouldn't have called people racist for wanting a border, or voter registration, or welfare reform, or a dozen other things that have nothing to do with race. 

The best thing about it? 3 months ago when I didn’t particularly care for Trump and we were talking about politics in here? I fucking warned you. I warned you that Trump’s approval is directly tied to how often some liberal pantywaist cries ‘racist’ or ‘sexist’ to shut down a conversation. I warned you that this old shaming tactic didn’t have teeth anymore, and that every time the media tried to paint Trump - a democrat all his life- as a racist/extremist, a few more people were rolling their eyes and starting to sympathize with him. And now here we are- a bunch of people who wouldn’t answer polls because they didn’t want to be browbeat and deal with the name calling put Trump in the White House, and your girl couldn’t even fucking carry the white woman vote.

So you think Trump’s racist. I agree with Trump, so you think I’m racist. I know what’s in my heart, so give me one reason I should give a good goddamn what you call me?

Ciao Uccisore

Well, I’ll tell you what, if SJW, (whomever) has called everyday people racist, then I would agree with you that the term racist would be meaningless. However, of the 17 GOP politicians that ran for the candidacy, I don’t think that many earned the accusation given to Trump. Is Rubio a racist? Jeb? I don’t think I heard that during the campaign, and most in the GOP were quick display their indignation with Trump’s failure to distance himself from David Duke. That means that to those in his own Party, the word still had meaning and they used it (Ryan) against Trump. Didn’t stick? Don’t confuse winning the electoral college with the idea that the impression of Trump, as a racist, did not stick. It is still there, but he was not running against Bernie and the counter-impression Trump created of crooked Hillary received much more confirmation even 48 hours before election night.

One more thing. Do you believe that racism is a problem in this country?

No, for the impression in the public view that he was a racist. Did that win him Office? No; he won in spite of it.

"House Speaker Paul Ryan on Tuesday offered a particularly harsh condemnation of Trump’s words, calling them “sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment.” (cnn.com/2016/06/07/politics/ … ty-racist/). So obvious, sure, sure. Not racist at all, rather they were inclusive, sure, sure…Widely condemned by Republicans, why, if those comments were “obviously” not racist?
What is racism, Ucci? Can you even define it? MLKJr hoped that one day his children will live in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. When Trump equated the inability of a judge to be impartial because of his ancestry, he went against the hopes of MLKJr. A juror is selected according to the prejudice of the lawyers, but before deliberation they are commanded to disregard everything except the facts of the case and the requirements of the law. There is no person that is wholly removed from his/her own ancestry, but our integrity is such that we can and do enforce something greater than us. It is why we have black cops arresting black men whom they feel have broken a law. Being a cop is not impossible for a black person even if most people he will arrest look like him. Being a good or bad cop does not depend on the color of their skin but in the content of their character. Now, if we can concede such objectivity to our Police, why can’t Trump do so with the Judge?

Everyone votes according to their own interest. Trump lost the hispanic vote because he failed to represent the interest of most latino-voters and posses a threat, in my opinion, to many others. Now, you never heard me generalize about this, but you have heard Trump’s famous description of Mexicans: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” That means that most immigrants from Mexico are rapist, dealers, or otherwise criminals. That is a very strong statement which is not backed up by data. Now I am sure that drugs, criminals, including rapists, do cross the border, but I disagree with the measure he assigns to them, making them the majority when in fact they are probably a minority, since 47% of all immigrants regardless of race are women and 10% being minors (immigration.procon.org/view.reso … eID=000845). I also disagree with Clinton’s accusation that half of Trump’s supporters were a basket of deplorables, again because it is not even close to that percentage, and yet that doesn’t mean that the KKK, who are deplorable, supported Trump, so at least some of Trump’s supporters are deplorable.

Latinos were never a consistent whole. Racism, in fact, runs within the latino community. But the fact is that the Republican party has in the past been the preferred Party for latinos weary of the Democrats’ leftist policies that had forced them to come to this country. Immigrants (including myself) believe strongly in the Republican principles of self-improvement through work rather than hand-outs. That said, there is a reason why the latino community is voting mostly democrat. 7.7% of students k-12 have at least one undocumented parent. For other latinos we see the promise of the American dream possibly being denied to innocent children who were brought here illegally and could now be treated as criminals even though they only seek to achieve the American Dream.

All of that said, Latinos had to judge Trump based on what he had promise, his mass deportation promise which will affects millions-- but not judge Curiel who is an American, so why should Trump have assumed that Curiel would be biased against him other than because of his heritage? So let’s split this “latino” group and identify who would reasonably have a dislike of Trump based on his message from those that would not be affected by him and further had an obligation to uphold The Law without prejudice or passion.

LOL! Have I called you a “racist” Ucci? And again, Republicans called what Trump said racist.

The media is held to a different standard according to a Supreme Court decision (Bartnicki v. Vopper). The fact that thousands have read the internet available emails makes the likelihood of prosecution unlikely, but does not render the action of reading classified material without clearance legal. It is important to make a distinction between what CNN does and what Donna Brazil does. I wonder about you latter accusations. I’ll have to research that before taking you at your word.

Well, Republicans pursued an impeachment of the President so I would be careful if I was Trump of invoking a disgraced President, unable to even practice Law, as an example of a double standard because he will not like it if the standard applied to B. Clinton is applied to him.

It’s funny how you have changed, from a guy that was not happy with Donald as your nominee, to a guy proud that it is Trump indeed who now carries the Party. You have assumed this whole time that I am a Democrat. I don’t fucking care. It is clear now that the GOP is in a new direction that many Republicans cannot follow. I rather loose to the democrats honorably, like McCain, than to make my bed with those YOU, Uccisore, would normally disagree with.

Voter laws that were repelled due to the fact that they targeted minorities? Those?

I “unpacked” the term “Latinos” along with the term “deplorables”. Don’t think you are a racist, or that every Trump supporter is a racist-- they could not be, but make no mistake that at least some are racist and that they feel represented and feel that Trump represents their interest.

This is hahaha’s wet dream, and Uccisore doesn’t get the joke

Autism spectrum??

It’s not my job to catch you up with the reality of the past 10 years.

You’re still caught up with wether or not whomever is “racist”. Don’t you understand that you’re just sniffing your own farts at this point? “Racist” changes it’s meaning every election- it’s twisted again and again and again so that whatever a leading Republican does, people like you can call it racist. Do other Republicans fall for it sometimes? Sure they do, and the word ‘cuckservative’ was this born, for people who are more obsessed over appeasing the unappeasable than stating a position.

Because they didn’t fucking win. You didn’t hardly hear it about Trump either until he was the nominee. We already know that the MSM was working with the DNC to prop Trump up as Hillary’s desired opponent, so they could turn on him in the general and call him a racist. Just one o the many things the Wikileaks CNN said you aren’t allowed to read revealed.

Most, huh? No wonder he lost in a landslide. Where are you getting this weird fucking narrative from, and why do you still believe it considering how obvious it is you were misled?

Of course it stuck. With people like you, who believe whatever the Huffpost tells you because it reinforces your ideology. What’s changed isn’t that the term doesn’t stick, what’s changed is that enough people have stopped caring that elections can be won despite it.

Nothing? Not a fucking word in response to the point I made, just a re-quoting of a politician being a politician providing you with a quote just so you could use it in that precise way.

Whatever the fuck a liberal needs it to be to shut down a conversation. That’s precisely the problem.

By less than Mitt Romney. What’s even more funny is that he did as well as McCain did, and McCain advocated amnesty. It’s almost like it doesn’t matter what policies a Republican has, somebody out there is convicing Hispanics the GOP is the devil. But don’t let reality slow you down.

That paragraph is grammatically incoherent. Why does the ‘they’ change from talking about what Mexicans are bringing to what Mexicans are like? What a strange phenomenon that if you change the final “They’re” to “Their”, it not only becomes far less racist, but actually becomes a grammatically correct sentence! It’s almost like liberals are liars and you’re lapping it up to suit an agenda.

Again, I’m just telling YOU what everybody already knows and why Hillary didn’t get her landslide (at least not in the direction she wanted). You can try to persuade of me of the truth of your failed talking points if you want I suppose. Why, you planning on trotting them out again in 4 years?

Well, if you disagree, he must be a fucking racist then. Clearly, since disagreeing with a liberal is what the word means, after all.

And they judged him the same way they judged pro-amnesty McCain.

Because he’s affiliated with a LaRaza organization for one thing. But the heritage is enough. If liberals have taught us anything, it’s that assuming one’s opinions and biases based on their heritage can’t possibly be racist- since liberals and Democrats base their entire approach to politics on it, and again, disagreeing with a liberal is what racism is.

Oh, is that what liberals value in judges now? Upholding the law without prejudice or passion? Tell me another one.

You can’t impeach a president for something they did before they were elected, I’m afraid.

Changed? The last time we talked about this I told you the exact same damn thing- that calling everything you didn’t like ‘racist’ was making you look fucking stupid and giving Trump more support. Now here are, and I was precisely correct, and I’ve changed some how.
There’s still Republicans I liked better, but Hillary was a monster, and I’ll take the big ‘fuck you’ to the left that this provides, especially since it gives us a Government clean sweep.


The honorable McCain, who got the exact same minority vote percentage as Trump, despite being every Democrat’s favorite Republican.

Ciao Ucci

Well, what you call reality in any case. Smelling your own farts again? See how that fucking works both ways Ucci?

I asked you if racism even existed. Is it even a thing? Is it now, or has it ever been a problem, or are we as a society past race? What say you?

So “racist” is only hurled at winners? Jeb then would have been a racist if he had won? When McCain won the nomination I am sure he was accused of being a racist. And W. Bush? He is a racist since he won it all? Smelling your own farts again?
We heard about Trump’s KKK ambiguity back in march and again MSM did not force Donald to avoid a question he well understood on air-- he did that on his own. Also it was not MSM, what they did, that won Trump the nomination but the mood of a country, hell the mood of the hemisphere reacting against globalization.

Most of the politicians, yes. I would not call losing the popular vote, last I checked, a “landslide”. Those that vote for him, most I would say, did so not because they thought Trump was a racist (like David Duke and other White Supremacist that were happy to vote for Trump), but because they believed Trump’s defense, or simply because they accepted that flaw as the lesser of two evils. I heard it say that Trump said bad things but Hillary did bad things. One of the candidates was under an active investigation for much of the election, so they have a point. In the end Trump ran out of time to talk about Benghazi and was happy to concentrate on the e-mail situation.

Motherfucker you don’t know shit about me. Smelling your own farts again? Ideology? What’s my ideology? Show me that you are a thinking brother, Ucci and that you have reasons to actually believe that I hold an ideology. We will see if all of this is just the egregious use of a term to the point of inducing apathy.

Ucci, you said that the comments were “obviously” not racist–so my point is, if it was so obvious, why did Ryan and others in the GOP, not just the DEM, decribe the comments as textbook racism?

How would a Trump supporter like yourself define it?

But who was McCain running against and following whom? I don’t hold it against Romney or McCain that they lost the hispanic vote. The GOP has lost that constituency for a few elections and will probably continue to do so while cementing their support among white americans. If we are to believe Breitbart, the GOP was against the solutions McCain had in mind on immigration. (breitbart.com/2016-president … ishonesty/) So if McCain then lost the hispanic vote, can you say that it was simply hispanics voting against the GOP ticket rather than McCain? In fact McCain was a man of honor, a war hero that most respected. When Obama debated him back in the day he went after the GOP establishment rather than McCain himself, prompting McCain to remind Obama that he was running for President, not W. Bush. It matters what the GOP does. Moving to the center didn’t work and so now they have moved to the far right and it did the trick. Do they really care if the lose the black vote, the hispanic vote, which constitute less than 30% of the population and risk losing the white vote which constitutes over 70%? But W. Bush fucked the chances of winning the WH for the GOP because of his overreach abroad and the economic disaster at home. Similarly we will see the repercussions long term of Trump choices. People forget: California used to be Republican.

I didn’t say that what he said about mexicans was racist. Xenophobic perhaps, but not racist. The point was about how Trump made a generalization about Mexican immigrants, not that he made a racist comment.

And here comes the diarrhea again. Not a liberal, so disagreement with me does not mean that your are a racist. Although that is the weirdest definition of “racism” I ever heard which is why I have asked you, as a “philosopher”, to define “racism” in a way that can be useful.

Que sabes tu de La Raza?

Ucci, I never disliked you, ever. Nor have I called you or described your ass as “racist”. You insist on saddling me with your prejudice and that is sad for a would-be “moderator”. Thought you guys were supposed to be better than that and unlike a troll, back your claims with facts. Calling Trump racist is not my call. I am sure that it was the novelty of it that attracted attention. I never saw anyone say on a live interview that they would have to check if the KKK was bad, or that David Duke was bad, and worse because I actually know that Trump had condemned the proximity of Duke to the Reform Party back in 2000. What he said about Curiel can be described and has been described as racist, which is the implication that Curiel, because of his ancestry, is unfit to uphold the law. That is passing judgment on a man’s character based on ancestry rather than on facts. You say that disagreeing with a liberal makes a person a racist. What about disagreeing with a Republican like Ryan?

Ucc is so far right that he thinks everyone is a marxist. He’s a political extremist. I think he was abused by gay people or minorities or something.

You, Peter Kropotkin, and Iambiguous are the biggest Marxists on this board.

The only difference is that in order to conceal your Marxist ideology you call yourselves progressives, democrats, or liberals. Of course it’s all the same thing now. :-"

I don’t call myself any of those things. It’s guys like you who can only see the world through an us vs them lens that try and frame normal people up as political extremists so that you can feel justified in your radical views.

Radical views? Spare me your bullshit dogmatic moralizing which ironically also rests upon an us versus them point of view by the way hypocrite. You’re so unoriginal…

Like today in this thread I’m one of the biggest marxists. But then next week, I’ll be a day trading capitalist scumbag.

You have to see yourself doing this right?

You’re like a child.

How is this “dogmatic moralizing”?

I am not going waste time on you idiot.